Sunday, May 8, 2016


Hydrotherapy is the application of water, internally or externally, for the treatment of physical and physiological dysfunction.   This form of therapy can be utilized in the healing process of a variety of conditions, such as inflammatory disorders, digestive health, neurological support and immunomodulation.  This therapy can be applied to treat diseases or maintain overall health.  The use of water for therapy has been around for hundreds of years, as far back as the ancient Greeks and Romans, and forms an integral part in many traditional medicine systems. 


The healing properties of hydrotherapy are based on its mechanical and/or thermal effects.  It makes use of the body’s reaction to hot and cold stimuli, to the protracted application of heat, to the pressure exerted by the water, and to the sensation of the water itself.  Nerves carry what is felt by the skin deeper into the body, where it is then vital in stimulating the immune system, influencing the production of stress hormones, improving circulation and digestion, encouraging the flow of blood, and lessening the body’s sensitivity to pain.

In addition, hydrotherapy supports healing by leading to the activation of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS).  This arm of the Autonomic Nervous System is responsible for producing what is referred to as the “relaxation response,” a physiological response that is in direct contrast to the stress or “flight or fight” response.  When the body is at rest we are able to “heal” and “digest” properly.   What better way is there to promote healing than to place your body in the right environment to heal accordingly?    

How Hydrotherapy Supports Healing:

MUSCLE SUPPORT: Loosens Tense, Tight Muscles And Encouraging Relaxation
METABOLISM: Increases The Metabolic Rate And Digestion Activity
SKIN TONE: Hydrates The Cells, Improving Skin And Muscle Tone
IMMUNE: Boost The Immune System, Allowing It To Function More Efficiently
CIRCULATION: Improves The Function Of The Internal Organs By Stimulating Their Blood Supply
DETOX: Dramatically Increases The Elimination Of Waste, Thus Assisting Detoxification


The way it works…heat is used to quiet and soothe the body, and to slow down the activity of internal organs. Cold is used to stimulate and invigorate, increasing internal activity within the body.  If you are experiencing tense muscles or anxiety, heat is recommended in the shower or bath.   For feeling tired and stressed out, it is recommended to take a warm shower or bath followed by a short cold shower to help stimulate the body and mind.

Optimal Zone of Challenge: just what the body is capable of, challenges it just enough

↓ inflammation
↓ blood flow
Neither hot or cold
Unreactive nervous system
↑ circulation
↑ metabolism
↑ immune function
Same as warm but if you sustain the hot, it will cause detox

Tonify: strengthen without much stimulation
Decongest: move metabolic waste out of the way


There are several forms of hydrotherapy which are beneficial for many conditions.  These include baths and showers, neutral baths, sitz baths, contrast sitz baths, foot baths, cold mitten friction rub, steam inhalation, hot compresses, cold compresses, alternating hot and cold compresses, heating compresses, body wrap, wet sheet pack, and salt glow.


The sitz bath is an immersion bath with the person seated in a tub with water covering the hips, buttocks, and lower abdomen. It is used to decrease congestion and increase circulation to the pelvic and lower abdominal organs.  Consult your Naturopathic health care practitioner before using this therapy.
  1. Prepare a tub with hot water at a temperature of 105-110 degrees F. This range is about the same or slightly warmer than a typical hot tub. Do not exceed 120 degrees F. Fill the tub so that it comes to 1 inch above your navel when you are in a seated position.
  2. Put a long towel in a separate, small ice water bath (a bucket or large bowl will suffice) placed next to the tub.
  3. Sit in the hot bath for at least 3 minutes.
  4. After hot bath, stand and, without wringing out towel, wrap the cold towel around pelvis like a diaper. Make sure that the towel is touching your skin all the way around. Do not allow the towel to come up higher than 1 inch below your navel. Leave on for 30 seconds. Return towel to ice bath.
  5. Sit down in the hot bath for another 3 minutes.
  6. Repeat cold towel wrap, as before, for 30 seconds.
  7. Sit down in hot bath for another 3 minutes.
  8. Repeat cold towel wrap, as before, for 30 seconds.
  9. Following the third cold towel wrap, get out of tub and dry off.
Goals and principles of Constitutional Hydrotherapy treatment
One of the principles of naturopathic constitutional hydrotherapy is that health (and healing) is proportional to the normal flow of healthy blood. Naturopathic constitutional hydrotherapy influences the quantity of blood flowing through a given tissue and improves the quality of the blood circulating. This is accomplished in the treatment by enhancing blood flow through the organs of elimination (skin, liver, lungs, kidneys, colon) and subsequently deriving improved blood quality through the increased elimination of metabolic waste products. Concomitant treatment, aimed at tonifying the organs of digestion and improving the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients into the blood, help to build up desirable blood elements such as oxygen, nutrients, optimize blood and immune cell populations, further improving overall blood quality.  Consult your Naturopathic health care practitioner before using this therapy.
Viewing the blood as the vehicle conveying life to all cells (oxygen, nutrients, etc.), naturopathic constitutional hydrotherapy manipulates the circulation in order to maximize the benefits of this process for overall health and healing. It enhances the immune response, improves overall nutrition, promotes detoxification and helps restore nervous equilibrium. Naturopathic constitutional hydrotherapy works because it helps to optimize the quality of blood, while improving the efficiency of its circulation.
Procedure for Home Constitutional Hydrotherapy:
Although an in-office procedure with sine wave treatment is the most effective form of Constitutional Hydrotherapy, the repeated use of home constitutional hydrotherapy can be very useful. Consult your health care practitioner before using this therapy.
  1. Prepare a basin with cold water, add at least one tray of ice cubes to it, and place a thin hand towel into the cold water.
  2. The treatment recipient should stay warm, on a comfortable surface, and tucked under several blankets throughout the treatment. To keep the blankets dry, you can keep beach towels between the wet towels and the blankets.
  3. Soak 2 thick towels with hot water, the towels folded in half should still cover the chest and abdomen for a total of 4 layers.
  4. Take the bath towel from hot basin, wring it out, fold it and place the 2 hot towels on the affected area for 5 minutes. A 3rd hot towel would be ideally used to re-heat the chest and abdomen after the 5 minutes to assure the area is well warmed.
  5. After that time, wring out the cold towel, remove the hot towel from the affected area and quickly place the cold towel over the chest and abdomen. Wrap in warm blankets and allow the body to warm the cold towel over 10 minutes. If you do not warm the towel in 10 minutes, contact your physician for modified instructions.
  6. Prepare the hot towels again and apply to the entire back and repeat the cycle.
***NOTE** Apply preferred essential oil during treatment as an additive Aromatherapy benefit.


1.      Prepare Warm Water Bath (enough so that you can relax in)
2.      Add 2 to 4 cups Epsom Salt
3.      8-12 Drops of 2 Essential Oils
a.      Essential Oils: Lavender, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, or Orange Blossom
4.      ½ cup of White Vinegar
5.      ½ cup of Baking Soda (optional)
6.      Relax in bath for 30 -45 mins
7.      Prepare  Fresh Tea to support further detoxification:
a.      Fresh organic ginger root – brew / cook for 5 mins (hot tea) and relax in bath
8.      Take a Detox Bath once a week for 6 months


2717 Commercial Ctr Blvd,
Katy, TX 77494
PHONE: 832-913-5022


1002 Blackhaw St.
Houston, TX 77079
PHONE: 281-496-3772

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