Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Lymphatic System Functions

I learn more and more in my private practice that many people are not aware of importance systems such as the lymphatic system.  This system functions as an intricate system of thin tubes that runs throughout the human body.  In which it is closely related to the cardiovascular system and its primary purpose is to help the body to filter out organisms that cause disease and other toxins.
The lymphatic system has a constant flow of lymph and acts as a second circulatory system. The difference between the lymph and the cardiovascular system is that it works with white blood cells which protect you from becoming infected by bacteria and viruses. The lymphatic system functions by moving lymph through the system with pressure exerted by the squeezing of skeletal muscles. Once it reaches the thoracic duct (and the right lymphatic duct for the right upper body’s lymph system) the duct drains into the circulatory system, acting as a constant sewerage system for the body.
Related image  Image result for lymphatic system
While the main function of other tissue fluid is to deliver nutrients and goodness to the cells – the role of lymph is to clean up the waste that is left behind by this process and to dispose of it. This waste can include dead blood cells, pathogens, and cancer cells.
These lymphatic system functions also include the absorption of excess fluid and its return to the blood stream, absorption of fat (in the villi of the small intestine) and undertaking the immune system function.
That being said the Lymphatic System is an essential system that supports our ability to naturally detox.  The reality is that you have twice as much lymph fluid in your body as blood.  As the lymph continuously bathes each cell and drains away the detritus in a circulatory system the body is naturally going through detoxification.
The body’s ability to detox well starts in the lymphatic system. Interestingly, the lymph starts in the digestive system, making optimal detoxification a result of optimal digestion. At Royal Healing Natural Health Center we teach our patients how to reset digestive strength and the body’s natural detox pathways.
To specifically effect lymph in massage, it is necessary to pump in a specific direction, at a specific pace. This mimics the natural action of the lymphatic system.

Put your hand in your armpit and push inward and upward. Go deep into the armpit. Pump upward and release. Do this five to ten times.

breast self exam

Grab your entire breast and move it upward toward the armpit. If your breasts are large, this may take more than one hand position. Do this three to five times.  Grab your breast and pump directly inward toward the chest wall. Do this five times.

lymphatic breast massage picture 2

Holding your breast stable, pump the upper inner quadrant of your breast up toward your neck. Do this five times.

breast self exam

ying and yang symbol
You can do the pumping more than the recommended number of times if you like.

lymphatic breast massage 3

HEALTH TIPS: To provide hepatic and lymphatic detoxification which is essential for the maintenance of health

  1. ACTIVELY REDUCE STRESS - Deep Breathing Exercises, Yoga, Pilates
  2. INCREASE OXYGEN - Exercise, Walking, Oxygen Therapy
  3. HERBAL CARE - Essential Oil Massages, Liver Cleansing Herbs (Milk Thistle)
  4. DRY BRUSHING - Removes toxin built up in skin
  5. EAT HEALTHY - Increase Antiflammatory Foods, Antioxidants 
  6. STAY HYDRATED/WATER- Drink half your body weight in ounces (Ex; 120 lbs = Drink 60 oz per day)
  7. MASSAGES - Increase Circulation, Improves Immune Function, Metabolism
  8. AVOID TIGHT GARMENTS - Prevent restriction on lymphatic vessels.

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