Monday, March 7, 2016


Hormones, such as estrogen and insulin, are chemical messengers that affect many aspects of your health as they travel in your bloodstream throughout your entire body. Some of the most common side effects of hormone imbalance include:

  • Infertility
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Low libido
  • Hair loss and hair thinning       

Glands are located throughout various parts of the human body. These glands take on the critical task of releasing hormones, and as a whole, they are most commonly referred to as the Endocrine System.  Organs and glands like your thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testicles and pancreas regulate most of your hormone production, and if your hormones become even slightly imbalanced it can cause major health issues.

New research shows that your gut health plays a significant role in hormone regulation so if you have leaky gut syndrome or a lack of probiotic foods lining your intestinal wall, it can also cause hormone imbalance.

The good news is there are ways to balance your 
hormones naturally.

The bad news is the majority of people across the world today turn to synthetic treatments such as hormone replacement therapy, which can do three things:

  1. It makes people dependent on prescription drugs for the rest of their lives.
  2. Simply masks the symptoms while you develop disease in other areas of the body.
  3. Causes serious side effects by increasing your risk of stroke, osteoporosis and cancer.

If you don’t want these negative side effects but want to naturally balance your hormones, here are the 5 ways to heal your hormone.  

1. Eat Coconut Oil and Avocados:
Eating a variety of foods high in short-, medium- and long-chain fatty acids is key to keeping your hormones in check. Not only are these essential fats fundamental building blocks for hormone production, but they boost your metabolism and promote weight loss.

Foods packed with healthy fats include: coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, chia seeds, walnuts, grass-fed butter and wild-caught salmon.

Coconut oil uses are plentiful, avocado benefits hormonal balance and salmon nutrition holds many more health benefits.

2. Supplement with Adaptogen Herbs
Adaptogen herbs are a unique class of healing plants that promote hormone balance and protect the body from a wide variety of diseases.  In addition to boosting immune function and combating stress, research shows that ashwagandha and holy basil benefit hormone balance by:
  • Improving thyroid function
  • Lowering cholesterol naturally
  • Reducing anxiety and depression
  • Reducing brain cell degeneration
  • Stabilizing blood sugar
  • Supporting adrenal glands

3. Heal Leaky Gut
Leaky gut is a condition that not only affects your digestive tract, but also causes hormone issues and can more specifically target your thyroid.  When undigested food particles like gluten leak through your gut into your bloodstream, it causes disease-causing inflammation of the entire body and more specific organs like the thyroid.

I have seen that most people with leaky gut have an a deficiency of probiotics in their guts. Probiotics actually help your body produce certain vitamins that affect hormone levels like insulin.

The top foods and supplements that support healing leaky gut include: bone broth, kefir, fermented vegetables, and high-fiber foods like vegetables and sprouted seeds.

In addition, supplements like digestive enzymes and probiotics can aid in repairing your gut lining, which in turn can balance your hormones.   Some of the main things that damage your digestive health include processed foods, gluten, hydrogenated oils and emotional stress.

4. Recognize Toxic Chemicals in Body Care Products
A common belief among consumers is that products labeled "natural" must be safe and beneficial to consume or use. Often the ingredient lists on these "natural" products contain chemicals that are unrecognizable and unfamiliar to most people. 

The bad news is that the products that are labeled as "natural" by manufacturers are usually far from natural and safe. 

The good news is that it is possible to be an informed consumer with the information necessary to avoid these products. 

A great way to eliminate toxins in your body is to stay away from conventional body care products that are high in parabens, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, Cocoamide DEA, diethanolamine, TEA, triethanolamine, MEA, Propylene glycol, propylene oxide, Mineral Oil, Petrolatum and Coal Tar .  Learning about these toxic chemicals is the first step toward avoiding them and this is quite simple to do, using the Internet as a tool.

In addition, the use of plastic bottles should be replaced with glass and stainless steel because of BPA toxic effects. In addition, switching from teflon pans to stainless steel, ceramic or cast iron can make a big difference in your hormonal health.

CLICK ON THE SITE BELOW...If you are interested in using more approved and trusted natural products in your household.


5. Know If You Have Any Nutrient Deficiency
There is overwhelming evidence that vitamin deficencies are associated with hormonal imbalances aong with the chronic disease process and the overall condition of one's health.

According to an article from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin D3’s role in promoting human life is more profound than previously suspected.  This is why people who live in dark areas suffer from significant depression and health disorders unless they supplement.

The delicate balance of hormones is profoundly affected by nutritional defiencies.   Research shows that synthetic Hormone Replacement Therapy can negatively affect mineral levels of calcium, copper, chromium, magnesium, selenium, and zinc, which leads to unwanted side effects linked to reducing important antioxidants.

The Health of Your Cells Determines the Health of Your Body and Mind...Focus on Treating the Body as a Whole System.

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