Saturday, February 27, 2016


The critical importance to health of a whole foods diet and lifestyle changes cannot be overstated.   However, as I mentioned previous, it’s nearly impossible to get brain-healthy nutrition from diet alone these days.  The use of vitamins, minerals, and other food factors to support good health as well as to prevent or treat illness – is an important component of nutritional medicine.  

We all are familar of the well-known statement...
"The Average Human Uses upto 10% of Their Brain."
The key functions of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in the human brain revolve around their role as essential components in enzymes and coenzymes.  That being said supplements provide the necessary support/nutrients to allow the enzymes of a particular tissue to work at optimal levels.   

In addition to serving as necessary components in enzymes, many supplements will exert pharmacologic effects...without major side effects.   There’s an abundance of evidence that taking the right vitamins can improve how well your brain works now … and protect it from mental decline in the future.  In our society today, stress, sugar, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, medications, and poor digestion are just some of the issues that increase your need for vitamins.  A key essential strategy for both brain health and the body is to load your body with the proper nutrients that help it to attack oxidative forces, reduce inflammation, and supply raw materials for regeneration.  For the individuals seeking to enhance mental clarity, sharpen their memory, and improve cognitive support, research has shown that targeted functional supplements can be an effective resource.

These key vitamins for the brain help improve memory focus and mood while also guarding against mental and physical diseases. 

  1. DHA
    • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is an omega-3 fatty acid that is important as a structural component of the brain, comprising approximately 40% of its weight.  Within the cell membrane, DHA affects the transport of choline, which is a precursor for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, and phoshatidylcholine, another important fat in the cell membranes.  DHA can be found in fish oil based supplements.  For a vegan alternative, flaxseed contains a precursor that the body can convert to DHA (although in lower amounts).
    • Vitamin C is the most potent antioxidant vitamin, which improves blood flow to your brain. .  Your brain has approximately 100 billion neurons which communicate with each other via brain chemicals called neurotransmitters.  Vitamin C is essential in their production.  Neurotransmitters impact your ability to focus, concentrate, and remember.  They also control your mood, cravings, addictions, sleep, and more.  In a recent study, subjects randomly given vitamin C reported feeling happier, often within as little as one week.  Vitamin C protects against age-related brain degeneration, including dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and strokes.  Vitamin C protects against age-related brain degeneration, including dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and strokes.  You can see free radical damage at work when you cut open an apple and watch it turn brown.  Vitamin C’s antioxidant power can be enhanced further when taken along with vitamin E.

    • Brain decline affects all aging humans. Scientific studies demonstrate more youthful
      cognition and memory in response to the proper nutrients. Cognitex® provides the following brain boosting ingredients in one advanced formula:
      Alpha-glyceryl phosphoryl choline boosts levels of acetylcholine; which is intimately involved in memory and enables brain cells to communicate. Acetylcholine levels markedly decline as humans age past 30. 
      Ashwagandha inhibits an enzyme (acetylcholinesterase) that breaks down acetylcholine in the brain.  
    • Gastrodin acts as a "brain shield, " calming brain cells and helping to protect against oxidant, inflammatory, and excitatory damage. 
    • Wild blueberry extract has been shown to inhibit oxidative and inflammatory changes in brain cells believed to be involved in memory decline.
    • Cognition Support contains a blend of high quality, standardized herbal extracts to support healthy cognitive function, learning and memory. The clinically studied ginkgo, Asian ginseng and Bacopa extracts combine with alpha-lipoic acid to further support cognitive and circulatory function.  
    • Ginkgo biloba is believed to work by increasing blood supply, reducing blood viscosity, boosting neurotransmitters, and reducing harmful free radicals.  Supplementation with Ginkgo extracts are currently used for treating of a wide range of conditions including memory loss, concentration problems, mental confusion, depression, anxiety, dizziness, tinnitus, and headache.
    •  Purchase this product at: Royal Healing Online Medicinary
    • Mental Acuity Formula is a mental sharpness supplement with ginkgo, B-vitamins, and clinically-studied herbs.  For mild memory problems associated with aging, Mental Acuity Formula “memory and focus formula” provides both immediate and long-term benefits!  
    • Mental Acuity Formula safely supports enhanced focus and brain function through its unique blend of powerful antioxidants, energizing B vitamins, high-potency alpha lipoic acid and clinically-studied herbal extracts.
    •  Read more on this product at: Royal Healing Online Medicinary
    • A comprehensive multivitamin/mineral specialty bar with nutritional support for healthy neurological and cognitive function.   
      Convenient and delicious nutrition for children on the go. Nutritionally designed to promote blood sugar stability, improve nutrient density, and support neurological and cognitive function. 
      Research has shown that a balanced healthy diet, especially one rich in essential vitamins and minerals, can correct low blood concentrations of the nutrients that are essential for proper brain function. BioFocus Bars are designed to be used as a between-meal snack or meal replacement to balance blood sugar levels and help children stay focused and on task.
    • Macronutrient balanced for a healthy glycemic index
    • Purchase this product at: Royal Healing Online Medicinary
    • Broad-spectrum memory support formula.  
    • This formula combines acetyl–l–carnitine, phospholipids and herbal extracts to promote neural health, cognitive function and memory. Acetyl–l–carnitine serves as an acetyl donor to support healthy levels of acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter in the brain. Phosphatidylserine is an important cell membrane component critical for neuron function and communication. 
    • Research suggests that it promotes healthy neurotransmitter levels and spatial memory. The Ayurvedic herb Bacopa monniera promotes memory as well as mental function and information processing. Ginkgo biloba and vinpocetine promote cerebral blood flow, vascular integrity and healthy red blood cell and platelet function in the brain. Curcumin, resveratrol and lemon balm extracts help to protect neurons from oxidative stress. In a recent study, Curcumin C3 Complex helped maintain healthy tissue in the brain by supporting macrophage activity. 
    • The soothing properties of lemon balm are highlighted in one double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, indicating that it promoted relaxation and cognitive function in elderly individuals. 
    • Learn more on this product at: Royal Healing Online Medicinary
  8. CUROPRO 200MG
    • CuraPro is up to 10 times better absorbed than plain curcumin, and has a sustained retention time at meaningful levels in the body. This high-potency formula provides 375 mg of the clinically studied BCM-95 Curcumin, yielding a minimum of 250 mg of curcuminoids per capsule.  
    • Curcumin, the principal curcuminoid found in spice turmeric, has recently been studied for its active role in the treatment of various central nervous system disorders. Curcumin demonstrates neuroprotective action in Alzheimer's disease, tardive dyskinesia, major depression, epilepsy, and other related neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders.
    • Research studies have shown that one hour after the first dose, parameters of attention and memory improved in the group receiving curcumin as opposed to the placebo.  In addition, curcumin has been found by previous studies to exert antioxidant, anti-inflammation, anticancer, and lipid-lowering effects.
    • Purchase this product at: Royal Healing Online Medicinary
    • Brain Memory, provided by Douglas Laboratories, is a synergistic combination of nutrients, specially designed to help produce the acetylcholine needed to help keep the mind stay sharp.
      Membranes are the working surfaces of every cell, carrying out the essential functions of
      cellular communication and hormonal signal transduction. Nerve cells, in particular, depend on healthy membrane function for normal neurotransmitter metabolism and nerve signal transmission. 
    • Acetyl-L-carnitine contributes its acetyl group to the production of acetylcholine, the primary neurotransmitter for memory and thought. The enzyme that makes acetylcholine from acetyl groups and choline is choline acetyl transferase. The activity of this important enzyme has a tendency to decline with age, causing low acetylcholine levels which in turn are thought to contribute to the impairment of brain function that is associated with aging. 
    • Read more on this product at: Royal Healing Online Medicinary
    • While most people connect probiotics with better digestive health, scientists are finding that they are fantastic memory supplements too.   Now there is a growing number of scientists now believe that gut bacteria can influence mental health.  
    • HMF Neuro Powder is a unique preparation containing various strains and species of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria along with prebiotics to specifically assist with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD). Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus crispatus species have the capability of breaking down the exorphin peptides which can be produced in excess in the intestines of autistic children. Undigested proteins, from foods containing gluten and casein, can lead to the production of aberrant peptides with opioid activity or “exorphins” in the intestines.   
    • If you want to know how to improve memory and cognition, it might surprise you to know that a healthy brain begins in your stomach.  With bacterial cells outnumbering human cells ten to one, we would do well take good care of them! Be sure to start a healthy eating program and supplement regimen.  
    • Remember, a healthy brain that is less likely to develop Alzheimer’s starts with a healthy gut and a good balance of bacteria. This involves a whole-body approach and it may require the guidance of your Naturopathic Physician or Functional Medicine Physician, especially if you have been exposed to environmental toxins, chemicals, or have a history of chronic medication use including antibiotics.

See if you're deficient...



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