Wednesday, February 3, 2016


So many people go through life suffering from symptoms like recurrent headaches, fatigue, yeast infections, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, itching, and brain fog. But as diverse as those symptoms sound, they often all have the same cause – an opportunistic fungus named Candida Albicans.

Sadly Candida is often misdiagnosed, but today I’m going to explain exactly what it is, how it develops and how to treat it. I’ll list the most common causes of Candida overgrowth, and then I’ll share the key elements that you must include in a successful Candida treatment plan.

What Exactly Is Candida/Candidiasis?
Candida Albicans is a pathogen that takes advantage of a disruption in the balance of microorganisms in your gut.  It lives harmoniously in the inner warm creases and crevices of the digestive tract (and in the vaginal tract in women).   This balance of ‘gut flora’ is a crucial part of your immune system and digestive health, but it can easily be lost during periods of stress or after a course of antibiotics. When this balance is lost, the colonies of Candida Albicans are able to expand rapidly until they control a large portion of your gut.  

Candida Albicans releases up to 79 different byproducts, including uric acid and a powerful neurotoxin named acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde causes chronic headaches and brain fog.  Uric acid can cause joint pain and lead to gout if an excess builds up.  Meanwhile, the change in your gut flora can lead to digestive problems, food intolerances, yeast infections and oral thrush.


Patients who have chronic candidiasis generally say they "feel sick all over".   Fatigue, allergies, immune system malfunction, general malaise, loss of energy, bloating and gas, depression, rectal itching, chemical sensitivities, and digestive disturbances are just some of the symptoms these patients tend to experience. 

How Does Candida Overgrow In Your System?

It's basically a classic example of a multifactorial coniditon, as shown in the vicious cycle above.  
Therefore, the most effective treatment involves addressing and correcting the factors that predipose to C. albicans overgrowth.  Know involves much more than killing the yeast with antifungal agents, whether synthetic or natural. 


Prolonged Antibiotic Use
Impaired Immunity
High Sugar Diet
Underlying Disease States
Altered Bowel Flora
Birth Control Pills
Nutrient Deficiency
High Stress Levels
Decreased Digestive Secretions
Impaired Liver Function
Drug/Medication/Steroids Overuse
Estrogen Replacement Therapy

"Antibiotic Use" is undoubtedly the most common cause of Candida overgrowth. Antibiotics can be lifesavers, but they also come with serious side effects that should NOT be ignored. In fact broad spectrum antibiotics are often prescribed for illnesses that would quickly clear up with a little rest.  Unfortunately, this has some major consequences for our digestive and immune systems.

Broad spectrum antibiotics do exactly what they are designed to do – kill bacteria. But the problem is that not all the bacteria in your body are harmful. In fact, a typical healthy adult carries around 500 strains of bacteria and as many as 100 trillion individual bacteria. Many of these bacteria play important roles in digesting your food and maintaining a healthy immune system.

A poor diet (refined sugar, dairy products, soda pop) and high stress levels keep feeding the yeast overgrowth. Digestion becomes impaired, essential vitamins and minerals are lacking, and healthy cells are not replicated to repair the body. The result  = chronic progressive disease over time.


*As I mentioned before... a comprehensive approach is more effective in treating chronic candidiasis than simply trying to kill C. albicans with a drug such as Nystatin, Ketoconazole, or Fluconazole (AKA Diflucan) or with a natural antifungal agent.  
*These rarely produce significant long-term results because the fail to address the underlying factors that promote C. albicans overgrowth.


Nevertheless, here are a few general tips to treating Candidiasis naturally...
  1. Candida Diet - Go on a diet that helps control candida.  Starve the yeast be eliminating contributing factors such as sugar, diary products, alcohol, dried fruits and peanuts.
  2. Food Allergy Testing - Since food allergies are common finding in patients with yeast syndrome, the ELISA test, will be beneficial in getting to the underlying causative factor.
  3. Enhance Immunity - Restoring proper immune function is essential in treating and protecting against C. albicans overgrowth, in which will successful strengthens the patient overall.
  4. Natural Antifungal Agents - A number of natural agents have proven activity against C. albicans,  As I have noted, however, rather than relying on these agents solely, it is important to address the underlying factors.  
  5. Repopulate The Gut - It's essential to put good bugs (probiotics) into the gut to crowd out the bad ones; sacchromyces boulardii is particularly good at this.  Probiotics also encourage proper bowel movements; if you're not pooping properly, the body will recirculate yeast and that's the last thing you want. 
  6. Promote DetoxificationEnhanced liver function is imperative at this time.  Damage to liver is often an underlying factor in chnonic yeast overgrowth, as well as in chronic fatigue.  Eliminate the use of antibiotics, steriods, immune-suppressive drugs, and birth control pills unless there is an absolute medical necessity.
  7. Rebalance Your LifeAt Royal Healing, we pride ourselves in delivering exceptionally attentive natural healthcare solutions to assist in rebalancing and regaining control of your health.     

Dr. Ezenwanyi Ahaghotu
2717 Commercial Center Blvd.
Katy, TX 77494
Phone: 832-913-5022

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