Monday, January 18, 2016


Your liver is the metabolic factory of your body producing energy to sustain the thousands of functions performed every minute by all of your body’s cells. Your hair follicles need energy to grow strong shiny hair and your skin cells require energy to eliminate toxins and repair and regenerate themselves.  Your heart requires energy to pump blood efficiently to your skin to maintain collagen production and oxygenate the cells to protect them from aging.

If your liver is not doing its job of breaking down toxins efficiently they must be eliminated from your body by other means – in many cases they come out through your skin! When excessive toxins build up in the deeper layers of the skin this causes inflammation to occur and this can manifest as:
ü    Dermatitis
ü    Acne (Vulgaris, Rosacea)
ü    Eczema, Psoriasis
ü    Premature aging and wrinkling of the skin
ü    Brown liver spots which make you look older
ü    Red itchy rashes anywhere in your body
ü    Deep painful rashes which may lead to ulcers
ü    Hives

Acne on the face – this causes small red pimples which affect the cheeks, the chin and area around the nose and small yellow heads may occur on the top of the pimples.

I have often found that worsening skin problems are a sign of liver dysfunction or of future liver problems on the horizon.  The vast majority of skin problems can be helped with a natural approach.

A good liver tonic is vital to support the liver’s ability to detoxify and eliminate.  Detoxing and nutritional supplements can reduce inflammation in the skin and support the detoxification pathways in the liver.

How We Help
At Royal Healing Natural Health Center, our goals are to educate chronic skin care suffers about dermatology, share what contributes to health and wellness, and support our patients in any way we can. Our programs promote healthy skin with nutritional supplements, topical treatments and dietary guidance. Learn more about our programs by visiting the website or you can call us at 832-913-5022.  

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