Sunday, January 24, 2016


We all are well familiar with “the annual circulating flu”, the contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs.  The most common symptoms include: a high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pains, headache, coughing, and feeling tired. The best way to prevent the flu is NOT by getting a flu vaccine shot each year...but by “boosting your immune system” daily, in order to protect yourself. 

Prevent The Viral Attack On Your Body Before It Even Comes:

If You Are Experiencing Any of the Above Symptoms, You May Be Dealing With A Dysfunctional Immune System…

Why Should I Avoid The Flu Vaccine?
During this time of the year, conventional medicine health experts tend to turn to their annual “flu vaccine” to battle the flu and, of course, the push for everyone to take this completely unnecessary vaccine, which can be avoided.

By the peak of the 2012-13 season, 135 million vaccines were made available just about everywhere, from the grocery store around the corner to your workplace. Doesn’t all of this seem like a huge push by Big Pharma wanting to unload their toxic drugs under the guise of human health and safety to increase their bottom-line profits?

The DHHS lists 21 different side effects, from mild to serious, that may occur after taking a flu shot or nasal spray on their website. Interestingly, the site lists almost as many serious problems, as it does milder ones.  

Among the serious side effects stemming from receiving a flu shot that require immediate medical attention:
  • Urticaria/Hives
  • Malaise/Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Breathing Difficulties/SOB
  • High Fever
  • Tachycardia/Racing Heart

Scientists are willing to concede one very serious health issue linked with receiving a flu shot: Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) an illness in which the body’s immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system linked to nerve damage, muscle weakness and fever.
Despite the long list of serious side effects, statistics about Americans who are sickened or die due to vaccines meant to protect them are virtually impossible to find.  THINK ABOUT IT…
That said, in recent years, some countries have reported serious health problems with flu shots, ranging from narcolepsy in teenagers (Sweden, Finland and France) to fevers, allergic reactions, headaches and even death (Korea).

The flu vaccine is less likely to be effective if the strains of flu in the vaccine do not match the strains of flu in the environment.  Nevertheless, even when the match is perfect, 1% of flu-vaccinated individuals end up with the flu compared to 4% of unvaccinated individuals.  The fact is that matching the strains of flu that are currently around and the vaccine is difficult because viruses evolve quickly, and it’s hard for vaccine producers to keep up.  THINK ABOUT IT…

As a Naturopathic Medical Doctor I approach the flu, like all imbalances in the body, which is to say I don’t assume the human body is subject to illness when the proper diet, supplementation and lifestyle precautions are taken.  When a patient is sick, it is necessary to look deeper and find out what missing links are interfering with the efficacy of their immune system.

My goal is to support each individual by strengthening the integrity of their immune system so there is less risk of a virus affecting the body, leaving it vulnerable to the aftermath of feeling sick, overwhelmed and miserable.

Understand that when the immune system is compromised it has less ability to fight off any viruses, bacteria or toxins we are perpetually faced with every minute of every day.  In addition, when we take things like vaccines, medications or antibodies, we mask the symptoms and actually weaken our immune system even further.  


As the days get shorter and colder it is essential to protect your health.   Fact is, your body has all the tools it needs to protect itself without a toxic flu vaccine, take safer steps, starting today… to boost your immune system. Here some safe and natural steps to strengthen your immune system every day of the year and forget the vaccine flu shot:

The Natural Flu Shot Plan
  2. Improve your daily diet to include more fruits, vegetables and meats, ideally froorganic sources. Remember to stay away from immune-depleting processed foods, full of enriched, fortified ingredients (like genetically modified products) that do nothing good for your health.
  3. EAT CLEAN: Fill in any nutritional gaps in your diet by finding the best supplement for your health by an Alternative Medicine Expert.  We provide PRACTITIONER-TRUSTED supplements to support your individual needs and overall health.
  4. Eat a nutrient-dense, whole foods-based diet:  Some of the most nutrient-dense foods include organ meats from grass-fed animal sources (like liver) and cold-water fatty fish, seasonal vegetables, fruits and starchy tubers (beets, parsnips, sweet potatoes, turnips) as well as nuts (if properly soaked first).
  5. Prepare a Steam bath with essential healing oil such as Mentha piperita.
  6. Increase Fluids:  Make a Diaphoretic tea by adding Sambucus nigra (flowers), Chamomilla, Fresh Ginger, and Dandelion in equal parts to a quarter liter boiling water, infuse 10 minutes, then take hot immediately in sips; use several times daily.
  7. Eat as little as possible:  Listen to your body…if you have no appetite use that period to allow your gut to heal.
  8. Limit your sugar intake as much as possible: Excess refined sugar consumption feeds bad bacteria in the gut, contributes to inflammation and depletes your body of much-needed vitamins and minerals.
  9. Probiotic: Promoting healthy gut flora…so that the good bacteria outnumbers the bad.  This will help your body better protect itself against foreign microbes, including viruses.
  10. Reduce the stress in your life, and you’ll remove one of the major problems that depletes your immune system. ***Instead, invest some of your free time visiting with friends, spend some time in nature, get a massage or learn relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation.***
  11. Wash your hands often, but avoid antibacterial soaps that use harmful chemicals like triclosan.
  12. Don’t skip on your sleep, one of the easiest and best ways to improve your health naturally.
  13. Chopped raw onion covered with raw honey or sugar, cover for 6 hours and take 1 tsp. every hour or as needed for cough.
  14. Fish and Cod Oil as EPA and DHA — fatty acids that help reduce inflammation.
  15. Get enough fat-soluble vitamins A and D, which support the immune system.  Increase bioflavonoids and C rich foods with antiviral and microbial effects.
  16. Such as: Garlic, onions, oranges, grapefruit, horseradish, lemons, elderberries, leeks, turnips, grapes, pineapples, honey, green leafy vegetables, cabbage and bone broth
  17. Drink Bone Broth: Properly prepared bone broth, on the other hand, is an excellent source of bioavailable, immunity-boosting minerals such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, sulphur and other trace minerals.
  18. Get your body moving with an exercise program, starting with baby steps like a short, brisk walk early on a cool morning.
  19. You want to avoid eating foods that weaken the immune system.

  • Heavy protein foods, fats, meats, shellfish
  • Cow’s milk and other dairy products
  • White bread, refined foods, processed foods, sugar, sweets
  • Catarrh forming foods: tofu, meat, ice cream

How We Help
At Royal Healing Natural Health Center, our goals are to educate chronic skin care suffers about their conditions, share what contributes to health and wellness, and support our patients in any way we can.   Learn more about our programs by visiting the website or you can call us at 832-913-5022.  

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